Sunday, January 27, 2019

Rest of Utah

After we dropped off Great Grandpa Phillips at the shuttle in Orem, we tried desperately to find a sacrament meeting to attend. We'd just missed all the 1:00 meetings, but we found one that said it was at 2:00. We went there, but when we got there we found out that the ward had just changed and the time hadn't been updated yet. 

So we went to Tay and Martha's to unpack and get a little settled. I called my cousin Brady and we ended up going to visit his family for an hour or so. Then we had dinner with Jared, Cailey, Madison, and my parents. We walked to a park behind Jared and Cailey's house and let the kids play.

Then we went to see Grandma Lori and Papa George's house in progress.

Monday was our Spanish Fork day. We started off with runs on the Spanish Fork River Trail.

We tried to recreate this picture from 3 years earlier.

We met grandma and grandpa and Cailey and Madison for breakfast at Kneaders.

Then we played at the Spanish Fork Splash Pad.

We drove past our old house and stopped to get a Hawaiian Shave Ice.

Then played at the Spanish Fork Water Park. 

It was fun seeing Corbyn jump off the diving boards by himself and remember how just a few years earlier his swim teacher had to throw him off those diving boards.

We finished off the night having a BBQ with some of our favorite Spanish Fork friends at the Goodrich's house in Heber. Their backyard is amazing and all our kids had fun riding their zip line, but Logan especially couldn't get enough of it.

These three girls had fun putting on some of Brynn's play makeup.

A cute bunch of kids - Stockton Goodrich, Corbyn, Alleah Wood, Molly Goodrich, Peyton, Elsie Wood, Brynn Goodrich, Ivy Goodrich, Logan, and Mikki Wood.

I love these ladies! No trip to Utah is complete without seeing them!

On Tuesday (the 3rd) we got up early and went to the balloon festival.

Unfortunately the wind conditions weren't right, so the balloons couldn't take off. But they all inflated anyway and we enjoyed walking around to see all the different balloons.

Then when they deflated the balloons we got to help put one away.

We went to Waffle Love for breakfast.

And then visited the BYU Bookstore.

We made a quick stop at the Wood Connection. Then packed up our things at Taylor and Martha's house. We met Grandma and Grandpa for lunch at Zupas in Salt Lake.

And grabbed some special sauce from JDawgs before leaving town.

Dixie had delivered my quilt to me at the reunion and I was able to get the binding made and sewn onto the front of the quilt at Taylor and Martha's house, so I could finish hand binding on the drive home. I went with a scrappy binding and I love how that turned out!

The kids insisted on swimming at the hotel when we got there even though it was already past bedtime.

We finally got them in bed around 10:45 pm. Fortunately I had booked the correct night on our drive home, so they had a bed this time!

We finished our drive home on Wednesday (the 4th). We had seen these trees on our drive there and I was able to get a picture on the way home. There were several of these groups of trees all bunched together. Not sure what they are for, but they are very pretty!

We made it home in time to grab a pizza for dinner and head over to the Happy Valley Park for fireworks.

We tried doing sparklers and were quickly told they are not allowed in the park.

Mother nature gave us a spectacular show while we waited for the fireworks.

It was a fun way to end what had been a spectacular vacation in Utah! 


  1. That was a crazy and really fun trip. Lots of driving.

  2. Those pictures of your kids sleeping are precious.
