Saturday, February 2, 2019


After getting home from our trip to Utah on the 4th, it was time to get back to reality. We jumped right into Time to Read Thursday.

I had picked up some red, white, and blue Rice Krispies, so we made red, white, and blue Rice Krispy Treats. Most of them were star shaped...

But apparently we did some heart shaped as well.

The day after that amazing sunset on the 4th of July we got another stunning sunset. 

A finished quilt called for a quilt photoshoot! I took it to the park and had fun trying to get the perfect shot. The pattern is Morning Glory by Cluck Cluck Sew.

 Just in Time Quilts quilted it in Simply Leaves by Anne Bright.

I backed it in Riley Blake Under the Sea Floral in Purple. I also used a few other prints from that collection throughout the quilt. That collection isn't a current collection, but you can still find it on Etsy.

Pretty quilt for a pretty girl!

This spot it actually right across the street from our house. I think this is my favorite picture of this quilt.

I love how it looks on Peyton's bed.

Peyton was in serious need of a haircut, so we went to Great Clips. Before...

And after!

I let her pick our activity for Something Fun Friday and she chose Wippersnappers.

July is the very best month at Salt and Straw. All of their berry flavors are so good. We went for the first of many visits that month.

All the primary teachers got the measles during singing time. I was lucky that my arms were uncovered because they mostly stuck my stickers there and left my face alone.

Sister Christensen (also known as Mrs. Christensen) was my teaching partner for few months and I loved teaching with her. I learned so much from her on the weeks she was teaching.

Super flat M&M cookies. Didn't stop them from being gobbled up!

We made Uncle Sam puppets for Make Something Monday.

We tried to go to the park to run and bike a few times a week.

Corbyn had been gradually increasing his distance and this day he ran his first 5K.

We went to Chick-fil-A for Cow Appreciation Day. Those masks I made years ago have sure been worth the effort I put into them!

When we go to the park for playgroup I'm perfectly content to sit and watch the kids play and talk to the other moms. This week one of the moms had created a course for the kids and she was timing them to see how fast they could do it.

We had packed a picnic lunch this time because I had some errands to run after we left.

We went to the scout office to get everything Corbyn needed to become a Cub Scout. I had purchased his shirt from a friend whose son didn't need his anymore, so when we got home I spent the rest of the afternoon getting off his patches. (Goo Gone saved me!) Then putting on new ones. My friend Tracy gave me a sheet of Badge Magic to stick them on and it really was magic!

While we were out we stopped at 7-11 for Free Slurpee day. I think that was my first time going because I really don't think slurpees are very good. (Sorry if you love them!)

The next day was Pay Your Age day at Build a Bear. My friend Shannah had invited us to join her and her kids. We had no idea it would be so popular and would take ALL DAY, but it was a good lesson in waiting!

Shannah let Logan take a nap in her stroller and then was so nice when he woke up covered in pee. (I was so embarrassed!)

We finally made it to the front of the line!!

Logan has loved this Tiger (we call him Daniel Tiger), so I guess that made it all worth it!

2 bears and a tiger for $17. Corbyn's bear alone cost $35 regularly!

Logan found his Buzz costume in his closet and wanted to put it on. Hello floods!

Peyton wanted her hair wavy, so we braided it.

Turned out pretty cute!

We planned a day of beating the heat. A shady hike up to Pittock Mansion.

That view. 😍

We all took turns with the pony backpack. 😂

Then we went swimming at the Sellewood Pool. We've always gone on free nights and it's always a little too cold to enjoy the pool. But the water was perfect in the afternoon sun!

I made these for my friend Melissa's birthday. They have a camper, so I thought they'd be fun as a decoration in there.

Corbyn had Cub Scout camp.

We made firecrackers out of q-tips dipped in paint for Make Something Monday.

Peyton had her friend Wren over to play one day while Corbyn was gone. I think we put the sprinkler under the tramp.

I had to take a turn helping at the camp. It had been super hot Monday and Tuesday, but I lucked out that it wasn't hot Wednesday morning. It warmed up in the afternoon, but I survived.

It was fun to see what Corbyn had been up to the past few days. Skits...

Bottle rockets...



Tracy watched my kids while I volunteered on Wednesday and then I watched her kids while she volunteered on Thursday. I took them blackberry picking.

And to a park.

Of course Corbyn got a bullseye on Thursday when I wasn't there!

Thursday was the last day, so we got to join Corbyn for a popsicle party.

After camp we went to turn in the kids' finished summer reading logs and they got to pick out a book.

On Friday we went to IKEA for our Something Fun Friday. Logan is finally tall enough to go to the Smaland (and Corbyn was barely short enough - I'm sure he's not anymore though).

I was there to get a new cover for our arm chair and had a few minutes left before I had to pick them up, so I found a comfortable couch and read a book until it was time to get them.

That evening our first (of many) visitors of the summer arrived. Taylor and Martha came for a conference they had in Portland and brought Leo with them. I was fun to have a baby around the house again.

On Saturday we had our annual stake picnic for Pioneer Day. I had gone running that morning and was finishing up getting ready when Rog left with the kids to take Peyton to a Snow White Dance Camp she had that afternoon and then the rest of the kids (plus Leo) to the picnic. This was the picture I got saying, hurry up!

After the picnic we got to go see the dance Peyton had learned.

That night we went to see Coco at the park. Movies at the park are one of my very favorite summer things.

All the kids (except maybe Corbyn) fell asleep.

We enjoyed some final baby snuggles on Sunday before they left Monday morning.

Monday afternoon Diana and her kids came into town. We picked them up at the airport and then took them to Pine State Biscuits for lunch since it's only open for breakfast and lunch.


Then we went to play in the fountains at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park.

Then we hurried home to get Peyton to her dance class. Skyler came along and took the class with her.

On Tuesday we braved the heat and explored a few places around Portland that we hadn't even done yet. We first went to Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden. We had picked up a cultural pass from the library and were able to get in for free. It was fairly shaded there and we had a good time.

Then we went to the International Rose Test Garden. I had printed off a scavenger hunt and we had fun looking for the things on it, but there wasn't much shade and it was very hot! We were all melting, but Skyler especially was struggling because she hadn't been eating or drinking enough that day.

So we took some pictures with some roses and left.

Mel from Mel's Kitchen Cafe had recommended the falafels from Falafel House a few years ago. I knew Diana would try them with me, so we drove to the food trucks where Falafel House is located. We got the kids pizza from a pizza truck and we got the falafels. They weren't exactly my thing, but I was glad to have tried them.

We were right there, so we went to Cathedral Park under the St. Johns Bridge. The kids were done by this point, so Diana and I just hopped out and checked it out really quickly. It isn't a park with a playgroup, just walking trails and picnic tables, but it has beautiful views!

We finished our adventure with Salt and Straw. Skyler had some and perked right up.

Last year I stuck with Birthday Cakes and Blackberries every time we went to Salt and Straw in July. This year I ventured out and tried a few of the other berry flavors and I was not disappointed - although Birthday Cakes and Blackberries will always be my favorite!

Books and then off to bed - we were all tired after that day!

On Wednesday we did the Latourell Falls hike. Many of the hikes in the Columbia River Gorge were closed after our fire the previous year, but this one was open.

We had done it our first summer here and I knew the kids would have fun at the waterfall at the end!

Logan had a big fall on one of the only spots with stone stairs. He got quite the goose egg (over his left eye). You can kind of see it here.

We met Rog for dinner at Chipotle for dinner and Peyton lost her first tooth while we were there!

That night Grandma Lori and Papa George flew into Portland and joined the party. 

Corbyn and Peyton also had track camp this week (every morning before our adventures). They had a mini track meet Friday morning. Papa George came along with me and Logan to watch. 

After that we all loaded up and drove to Trillium Lake.

We have quite the collection of inner tubes and almost all of us were able to be in floating at the same time.


We didn't have a ton of time because we had to get back to watch the Yates that night, but Trillium Lake never disappoints. Such a beautiful lake and the view of Mt. Hood can't be beat!

When we got home we got the inflatable pool out and had a BBQ. It was a little extra crazy with everyone plus the Yates boys, but it worked out just fine.

Saturday morning Diana and her kids plus my parents drove down to Medford (in our van) to meet Jason who was interviewing down there. The Hobbs flew out of Medford, but my parents drove back up and we got to see more of them in August.

Since we only had one car we had to be a little creative that weekend. Roger had to be at the stake baptism, but I had ordered some peaches that needed to be picked up at a certain time. So Rog got a ride to the baptism, we picked up the peaches, and then we went to pick him up. We had wanted to try Blue Star Donuts in Portland with Diana, but didn't get to it while she was here, so we went after the baptism. I didn't realize that all the donuts are like $3.50 or more. Since we were there already we gave them a try, but we won't be back. They were definitely not that good!

That night the Yates were watching our kids for us, so we got to enjoy a relaxing date night. I don't remember what else we did, but Salt and Straw was involved.


Melissa's parents have a pool in their backyard, so they took the kids swimming while we were gone.

On Sunday we tried frying some peaches. It took a few tries to figure out the technique, but they were really good when we got them just right. 

July 30th was National Cheesecake Day, so all the cheesecakes were 50% off at Cheesecake Factory. It was a shame my parents were still down in Medford (where there is definitely no Cheesecake Factory) because they would have loved to join us!

It was a fun, busy month!

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