Thursday, December 26, 2019

3 Months

Easton had a big 3rd month with his first airplane ride and his first visit to Disneyland! The other kids were closer to 1 when they went for the first time, but we were due for a visit and it seemed fitting that he go early seeing as how he is named after Walt Disney. He is our Mickey baby!

Easton at 3 months:

*Discovered his hands and loves sucking on his thumbs.
*Holds onto things like rattles, toys, and hair (mine and Peyton's).
*Soothes himself by sucking on his thumbs and will put himself to sleep for naps that way.
*Loves kicking and splashing in the bath.
*Enjoys sitting in his Bumbo.
*Startles at loud noises.
*Has been wearing size 3-6 months clothes for a few weeks now.

Easton's 3rd month in pictures:

He loves sitting up in the corners of our couch with a pillow to help keep him from falling over.

He had been wearing these fox pajamas (that were Logan's) for a few months, but I had been waiting for it to cool down a bit before I pulled out Logan's pajamas (that were Corbyn's) that matched to take this picture. Easton was about to grow out of them, so I got them out and Logan loved matching Easton. He was so upset when he found out that Easton wasn't going to be able to fit in his fox pajamas anymore. 

Logan on the left, Easton on the right.

4.5 years ago! Corbyn on the left, Logan on the right. (Logan was less than a month old in this picture, and is obviously a lot skinnier than Easton at over 2 months!)

We have a pretty big bathroom counter in our master bathroom, so if he got fussy while I was getting ready I would put him up there on a blanket (standing right there by him the whole time).

While we were designing and ordering shirts for the Phillips family reunion at Bear Lake last summer, we found out I was pregnant. We ordered a number 14 shirt to announce to the family that I was pregnant. We ended up losing that baby before the reunion, but saved the shirt for whoever had the next Phillips baby. Easton ended up being that number 14 - late to the party, but worth the wait!

Another matching shirt picture. Logan and Easton. (Not the best picture - neither of them was cooperating!)

Corbyn and Logan.

I finally took Easton to meet Krislyn and Kevan's twins. They were born just over 3 weeks after him. I'm excited for these 3 to grow up together.

This was General Conference weekend, so I put him down to nap downstairs more often than I normally did. And he was just too cute, so I took a lot of pictures of him sleeping.

Conference napping with dad.

More cute sitting up.

First stroller ride in his stroller without sitting in his carseat. We wanted to test this out to see if we could do it for Disneyland and we could!

Thank goodness for that thumb!

Holding his toys like a big boy.

First visit to a pumpkin patch.

Getting stronger!

I don't remember why I took this picture, but isn't he cute?!

First Blazers game. (It was also a first for me, Peyton, and Logan.)

First plane ride. He was an angel baby and slept almost the entire time.

Perfect onesie for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. 

One of many stroller naps on our trip. 

First ride at Disneyland - Inside Out Emotional Whirlwind.

First time meeting Mickey!

First Visit button.

Pixar Pier is just the best. I will defeat you Emperor Zurg!

Easton Walt meets Walt Disney.

We had to buy him this hat to protect him from the sun.

Happy 3 months Easton Walt!

1 comment:

  1. He is so much bigger thank Logan was. I didn't realize. Cute 3 month baby.
