Wednesday, January 1, 2020

4 Months

Easton's 4 month stats:

Weight: 18 pounds, 1 ounce (91st percentile)
Height: 27 inches (98th percentile)

Easton at 4 months:

*Drools a lot. Everyone comments that he must be getting teeth, but we don't think so. All of our kids have been closer to a year before getting any teeth.
*Gets distracted when I'm feeding him.
*Like to pull blankets over his head. I feel like I'm always saving him because he gets quite distressed when he does it.
*Tries to buck himself out of the Bumbo by arching his back when he's sitting in it.
*Doesn't like to be held on his back when he's being rocked to sleep. He prefers being held up.
*Had a few very fussy evenings (after dinner, but before bed) and the only thing that calmed him was being rocked to Wreck It Ralph music.
*At 4 months he had made no attempts to roll over, but just a few days after he rolled over for the first time.
*Scoots himself backwards when he's on his back.
*Tries to sit himself up (doing baby sit-ups) when he's on his back.
*Was only waking up once a night to eat.
*Put himself to sleep for naps by sucking his thumb.
*Laughs, but not too often. He's a hard one to crack.

Easton's 4th month in pictures:

Logan has speech group at an elementary school 20 minutes away from our house on Thursday afternoons. Nothing is really very close to it, so Easton and I always just hang out in the car while he's in there. This time he was playing on the ground in the car and put himself to sleep sucking his thumb.

Hanging out in his Bumbo in the bathroom while I get ready for the day.

He really enjoys kicking and splashing in the bath. 

Peyton likes to hold him on the barstools, so he's sitting up at the counter.

First Halloween! 

One of the kids gave him this sucker and I let him hold it just long enough to take a picture.

I did a little photoshoot with him in his Halloween costume the morning after Halloween. He was the kitten who drinks milkshakes from Ralph Breaks the Internet.

He's not looking at the camera or smiling in this one, but I like it because it shows his ears.

Bundled up in his bear suit that was Logan's. It was a little big at this point, but kept him warm for a high school football game we went to.

We put away the swing and got out the jumperoo. All the kids have loved this thing and he's been no exception!

Rog makes fun of me for buying this bouncer for him, but he got a lot of use out of it. It was fun when he started holding onto the toy bar and swatting at the toys.

His cousin Axle was born and instantly made Easton look like a giant!

We went to Utah for a weekend to go to a BYU football game, so he got to take another airplane ride.

He met lots of new people while we were there. This is the Wood's daughter, Mikki.

First BYU football game at the stadium!

The kids put him in this rocking chair at Grandma Lori and Papa George's house and had fun taking pictures of him.

Meeting Aunt McKae.

And cousin Ivy.

He learned how to blow spit bubbles and did it almost nonstop for a few days.

We took him with us on a date to Five Guys and had him sit in a high chair while we ate. 

The Willes twins came over for FHE and he was practically holding hands with Clemi when we put them next to each other. (Reggie was being a little fussy and didn't want to play.)

Happy 4 months to this smiley boy!

1 comment:

  1. I love the last picture. He has such a big smile! He's so great.
