Friday, September 26, 2008

SYTYCD Tour!!!

About half way through the So You Think You Can Dance season, Ashleigh Adkins and I started watching the show together every Wednesday night. So when I found out that the tour was coming to Utah, I convinced her to get tickets with me. Rog would have come if I had begged him, but I thought Ashleigh would probably enjoy it more.

The show was AMAZING!!! You know how sometimes you go to something and you say it was good, but you're really thinking, "Ehhh.... I'm not so sure." Well, this was DEFINITELY not one of those times. I was sooooooo glad we went! I took a few pictures during my favorite dances, but the really good pictures we took on Ashleigh's camera. As soon as I get those from her, I'll post them. But for now here are a few from my camera.


  1. I hope I can become a dancer in the next life. My daughters could teach me and hopefully with my "perfect" body it will go better than it has in this life.

  2. Dude, I couldd dance like that if I wanted to. How hard could it be?
