Friday, September 26, 2008

Goodbye Betsy

On Wednesday I had another ultrasound of my lovely cyst. For a few weeks I have been having many of the same symptoms I had when we first found out I had a cyst, so I was fully prepared for what we found. Yup, she's still there. She started out at 7 cm, got down to 3 cm, and now 6 weeks later, she is 4.5 cm. It appears that she just doesn't want to go away on her own. So this coming Tuesday we will say goodbye to Betsy for good.

It's a little frustrating that I have waited and waited for this cyst to go away on its own and now I have to have surgery anyway. But at least it will be gone. It will be a laparoscopic surgery which means Dr. Jacob will make 3 small incisions, blow my abdomen up with carbon dioxide, and then remove the cyst. I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I do know I am not excited about this whole blowing up my abdomen part. It just sounds weird. Good thing I'll be asleep! It's a same-day surgery and I'm told I should be back at work by Thursday as long as everything goes well.

So if you don't mind, keep me in your prayers. The only surgery I've ever had is the standard wisdom teeth, so I'm a little nervous. Good thing I have a Rog to take care of me!


  1. You n a m e d your cyst? That's too funny! But really, you will be in my thoughts abd prayers....and good riddance to Betsy!

  2. I will keep you in my prayers!! I have never had a real surger either- we are just too healthy of people! I know it will go well, and I am glad to hear Betsy will be gone for good!

  3. What are you like on drugs? I hope that it is entertaining so I can take pictures and put them on your blog. he, he, he!

  4. I hope it goes well! We'll keep you in our prayers for sure. And, we'll pray that Rover doesn't take embarrassing pictures of you too :)
