Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm back!

I have come out of my temporary depression over the BYU vs. Utah game and I'm back. Haha... Really I have just been busy getting ready for our trip to Colorado for Thanksgiving. I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do, so this post will probably have a little bit of everything in it. To start out, here's a look at where I spent most of last week.

We had to close the October financial statements before Thanksgiving (which is about a week faster than our normal close) and it seemed that something went weird in almost all of my accounts that made it take longer than usual, so last week I went in early and came home late nearly every day. It never was more than an hour early or an hour late, but usually I stick to my 9-5 pretty dang closely, so it seemed like I was ALWAYS there! It was a little tense in our office last week, but with the three of us staff accountants working together, we did it!

Now for my commentary on the BYU vs. Utah game (part of my grieving process). I knew going into the game that there was a definite possibility that we would lose. But I wanted to go to the game anyway because if we did win, I knew it would be awesome. Turns out we did lose, but it was a good, close game for most of it. Too bad Max Hall had to have the worst game of his career!

We were sitting with a bunch of APX employees, mostly BYU fans, but some Utah fans were mixed in. Right next to us was a pair of the dumbest, most annoying girl Utah fans EVER! You know, the ones you wonder why they even came. They kept leaving and coming back. And they were wearing pink Utah sweatshirts. Now don't get me wrong, I own a pink BYU sweatshirt, but I would NEVER, EVER wear it to a football game. Just in case you don't know, you are supposed to wear your team's color to the game!

Then right behind us was another pair of Utah fans. But this time it was a married couple (I think). They were fine most of the time until the 4th quarter when the girl kept yelling, "Thank you Max Hall!" It was super annoying, but at least she recognized that they were winning because of our QB having an AWFUL game and not necessarily because of anything the U was doing.

I really did enjoy the game (minus the 4th quarter). Honestly my major complaint about the game was the cost of TRAX. Growing up Amber (my BFF), my sister, and I would ride TRAX downtown to go shopping quite a bit. And then in high school my friends and I would all ride TRAX downtown just for something different to do. This might not be 100% accurate, but I remember it costing somewhere between $1 and $2 for an all day pass. So to avoid the parking nightmare up at the stadium, I thought we would park in Sandy and then ride TRAX to the stadium. This was a good plan except that now it costs $5.50 for an all day pass!! Talk about INFLATION!!

Here is a picture of us at the game. We didn't take very many because I accidentally left our memory card in my computer, so we were limited to the internal storage on the camera. I think we were waiting to see if we would win to save our limited pictures for some of us with the scoreboard, but when it became apparent that we would lose we had the annoying "Thank you Max Hall" girl take this picture of us in a sea of Red.

Finally, for our FHE last night we made thankful turkeys. This has become a tradition for me. I think I have made them every single year I have been at BYU. We were super busy last night packing, filming a dance Diana made me be in for one of her classes, Rog visiting his friend from California who was at a cabin in Springville for Thanksgiving, and who knows what else. But we made time for this. It was good to reflect on our many blessings because we are so blessed!

Now we are in Colorado with Roger's family and all we have to do is relax and eat lots of turkey! Tomorrow I am finally going to see Twilight! I have heard mixed reviews, so my plan is to go into it not expecting too much and then if it is good, it will have exceeded my expectations. Stay tuned for my review.


  1. Yay...Twilight! I can't wait...

  2. I loved this post. It was fun to see where you work. I like the way you've decorated it.

    That picture at the U of U game was cool with all the red in the background. You were outnumbered!

    I like the Thanksgiving hand idea. I am thankful for my awesome children - all 5 of them!

  3. Lol, "Thankful Turkeys", i heart it! You two are too cute! :)

    Can't wait for your review of "Twilight"...these books look like something i would be sooo in to, i am amazed that i'm not...maybe your review will change that. (Too busy with "Doctor-Patient" and "Middle Eastern" books, i guess...and "Crazy" people books!)

    Love you guys,

    PS Hi Lori!

  4. Wow, if you were that upset about the game (i understand), what did you do when "My" guy won the election...??????

  5. Glad to have you back!!! I watched the game with all of Zack's family and let's just say that Zack wont even let me talk about it. Period.

    Who lives in Colorado that you are with this year?

    Hope you have a fun Thanksgiving!!

  6. Oh and I saw Twilight yesterday with my Mom. I really really enjoyed it. And if Rog is going with you, he probably will too. Honestly, it is not chick-flicky at at all. It is pretty intense. So let me know what you think! Have fun!
