Friday, November 21, 2008

Thank you APX!!!

Today at work I found out that APX had purchased some tickets to the BYU vs. Utah game tomorrow. But of course it was just managers who got the tickets. About an hour after I got off work, I got a call from the Purchasing Manager. His office is right across the hall from mine, so we're tight. Haha... Anyway, he asked if I wanted two tickets to the game and of course I said YES! I guess he couldn't use his or something.

We are super excited to be going, but also pretty nervous for the outcome. Come on Cougars... Let's make it 3 years in a row!


  1. Go BYU!!

    Have an awesome time and bundle up

  2. Go USU!!! Oh....wrong skool...haha! Well, today is game day, have a great time and a cozy snuggle for me! And go Utah-er Cougars...Aggies!

    Obviously time for me meds...ha! :P

  3. PS Please check out This blog, if you e v e r have time
    "Jordan-In My Humble Opinion" By A Primary Care Physican who writes beautifully.

    And there is always The Angry i heart him...he is hilarious, you would love him
    ..........sigh, i could go on and on, but thses two, for a tear and a burst of hilarity are great!

  4. Time for a new post!!! Sorry Shauna, sometimes i forget you have a "real" life.
