Saturday, March 21, 2009

Finally finished!

I started this little quilt last summer and I finally finished it last night!! I made it from a shirt (the green squares) and pajamas (the blue squares). The shirt was getting too small (I got it when I was about 10) and the pajamas were getting worn out. But I loved them so much and I couldn't stand the thought of throwing them away, so I decided to make them into a quilt. It will probably end up hanging in our nursery when we have one because it is too small to wrap a baby in. (No, this is not my announcement that I am pregnant. I'M NOT!)

I am so grateful for Emily's mom, Marie Galbraith, for helping me do the binding. Without her, I NEVER would have been able to finish this project! THANK YOU!!!


  1. Great, one more frog thing in out house.

  2. I remember the shirt and the pajama pants!

    Nice work, sweetie!
