Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holiday Baking

Over the weekend I was busy, busy, busy in the kitchen. On Friday I made Cornflake Wreaths for the Pugh Christmas party. I had never made them before. Emily asked me to make them and I'll admit, I was a little skeptical. But they turned out great! Rog helped by putting the red hots on which according to the comments was a "good kid job." We had a good laugh about that!

Then on Saturday, I made Applesauce Cake for a funeral in our ward. It was the second funeral we had in one week which was very out of the norm for our ward - we have a few older people, but most are couples in our stage of life.

And finally I decorated cupcakes for our ward Christmas party on Tuesday. I made and decorated them on Monday, so I wouldn't be doing it last minute on Tuesday. Unfortunately that backfired on me and I ended up having to take the ornament hooks out because they cracked. I did a patch job and they looked pretty, but it wasn't the ornament look I was going for. Oh well, they still tasted good!

What holiday baking are you doing this Christmas season?
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  1. I love those cupcakes, how cute!!!

  2. Wow my daughter is creative :)

    Everything looks delicious - good job on the red hots Rog!

  3. The wreaths are adorable...and Rog is such a good "helper"..ha!
