Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ririe Family Photos

While Diana and Jason were up for Christmas, we took some pictures of the whole Ririe family. This was most likely the last time we will all be together until Jared gets home from his mission!
Other than Corby we all have graduated or are currently attending BYU, so we took some in our Cougar Blue!
The original 5.
Our little bear.
And finally the whole gang in our "peasant brown" outfits. (Ha ha, don't ask.)
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  1. Papa George (Kent) thinks that only the "lower class" wears brown so he wouldn't wear brown. His jacket is actually olive green :)

    Good lookin' family, don't you think!

  2. Nice pic's.

    What's the "Y" stand for...Yale? Are you all Yaleies??? Say "Hi" to Rory!

    Humm, Chris wears alot of brown.......guess we know who we are!

  3. Heh, if memory serves correct, Kent did his undergrad, at, GASP, the U! :)

  4. Are you taking bets, er, guesses yet, as to where Jared is going?

    Here, i'll start:

    1. hilarious would that be?!
    2. Guatemaula (Heh, can't spell MD!)
    3. Germany Sprecken se Deuch?
    4. Israel (Wait, that's where i want to go!)
    5. The Former Ukraine.

  5. Cute idea for the family photo! I love it! My family could ALMOST do this picture...I'd just wear aggie blue in the back (people would think it was BYU prob) and then we'd have to figure out something for Todd. Ha ha.

  6. Tracy - you can guess one foreign country and one instate. Chris and Sam can guess one of each too! So let me know what the guesses are :)

  7. (Puts on Vienese accent) "It seems you have an unhealthy attatchment to this school."

    Like the "Cheerios" and their cheerleading outfits.


  8. Awesome family pictures. Really loved them and going to ask my uncle to have few ones like this at our next family get-together. This time we have booked one of top and popular event venues Chicago, so everyone’s expectations are quite high.
