Tuesday, January 25, 2011


A few months ago Jared decided he wanted this laptop for school. But because he is leaving on his mission in May, it was a little impractical for him to buy a laptop to use for only 8 months. So he convinced me to buy it from him at a discounted price when he leaves. Because Jared is the Mac expert and I know nothing about Macs, he loaned me one of his old Macs for a few months, so he could teach me how to use it while he is here. So this video of Corby crawling is my first lesson in iMovie.

The footage was taken on Sunday. It's not the traditional crawl yet, but I have a feeling he'll be there in a matter of days and then I'm really in trouble! Goodbye clean house. I'll miss you!


  1. Excellent job with the iMovie!! I'm very impressed. And look at the Corbs go!! He is definitely a mover and a shaker! Time to baby proof the house! :)

  2. Nice work daughter!

    Good job inchworm and mover of plates :)

    Excited to visit you and see the crawler for myself - he he

  3. Clean houses are so overrated anyways... ;-)

  4. Soooo cute! Dean can't even roll from his back to his front, so I don't even have to worry about him rolling off anything. I can't imagine worrying about everything on the floor!

  5. Oh yea!! You will LOVE having a mac. Corby is such a cute crawler!

  6. You'll love it when he starts "cleaning out" your bookshelves!

  7. It's International Holocaust Rememberance Day...don't forget your yellow Magen Davids.

    (iknow, i know...get my own blog!).
