Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to our {French} Kitchen

My mom's cousin, LaNae, has a fabulous Etsy shop where she sells vinyl quotes. I got this Bon Appetit quote free for referring 6 friends to her Facebook page. My kitchen has been pretty boring, but this quote inspired me to do a French theme.
I switched out the vinyl on my flour and sugar jars to be in French.
I made this menu board in French and picked up this Eiffel Tower from Rod Works.
And I put up this Julia Child quote (also from LaNae's shop - my mom won it and gave it to me for Christmas - THANKS MOM).
And voila! We have a French kitchen!
For Christmas I got some new stuff for my kitchen - new nonstick pans, a cupcake carrier, new wash cloths and towels, some pie pans, another bread pan, another muffin pan, etc... I had to reorganized everything to make room. And I also cleared out a whole shelf in our pantry for Corby's food.
Cans are so hard to keep organized and they were totally bugging me how I had them. So I ordered these two canracks and oh my goodness - I can't believe I ever lived without them! If you're a neat freak like me, I would totally recommend getting a few of these!
We've lived here almost a year and now I am finally happy with my kitchen! Now to work on finally getting curtains for our windows!
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  1. It ALL looks so great Shauna! Really, I love it! My favorites are your menu board (you can write what your having on it in dry erase, right?!) and the Julia Child quote! Nicely done :)

  2. I really like this! You are so creative :)

  3. Hablas espanol?

    You are very welcome - At least when you get a wall quote you actually put it up!

    Nicely done :)

  4. Tres Bien! Very lovely! Come do a make over of mine now??

    l'Chaim, l'Simcah, u l'Shalom
