Monday, January 24, 2011


Rog took these pictures the other night while he was feeding Corby. He's so stinking cute!

It's hard to stay mad at that face for long even when he doesn't eat like we want him to.
He is getting much better. We just have to feed him right after he wakes up from a nap. Thank goodnes we figured that out!
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  1. Gosh he is so stinkin' cute!! You got that right :) Glad the eating is going better!

  2. Ditto to the above comments!

    He is such a cutie and loves to smile :)

    He really likes his Mom and Dad!

    I need a Corby fix - been way to long!

  3. His cheeks are so stinkin' cute! You guys have an adorable little boy!!!

    -Ashley H.
