Thursday, January 12, 2012

January Crafting

I once said that St. Patrick's Day is the lonliest holiday. Well, this month I decided that January is the lonliest month. I think everyone is so tired after Christmas that they skip decorating in January because there aren't any major holidays. It's a shame really.
I needed something to balance out my table and I couldn't find anything on pinterest or out in blogland. So I decided to whip something up myself. Keep Calm and Shovel On people. Same deal as with my head and tail puzzles, if you want to print one out for yourself, feel free to ask.
And here is my shadow box for the month. I end up liking some shadow boxes more than others and this month is one of those months. Love.
Happy January! And I never thought I'd be saying this, but let it snow! Goodness knows, we need it!
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  1. I got to see her decorations in person - Lucky me :)

  2. Absolutely darling- of course! Love the shadow box and you are so clever with your little sayings and printables!! If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to have one too! I'll give you all the credit, don't worry :)

    Wish we could send some snow your way. It has been snowing here all day long. Miss you!
