Sunday, December 30, 2012

Family Photos

We had a guy in our ward (Zack Cameron) take some family photos of us the first Saturday in December. I went through them quickly and picked out a few for our Christmas card early in December, but I didn't really have time to take a good look at all of them until today. I love how they turned out and couldn't resist sharing a few of my favorites.

These first 3 are the ones I used for our card.

Another pretty good group shot. We had to settle for everyone looking at the camera. Smiles are harder to come by.

A fun candid moment.

He took some individual ones of us while he was at it.

This piece of wood doubled as a sword for Corbyn and a princess wand for Peyton.

I love, love, love these ones of Rog and his kids. Best dad ever!

Of course the real star of the show was our little Peyton girl.

I sure love this little family of ours!
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  1. Yeah, that was supposed to be me, Rachel, not Bryan :)

  2. I sure love this little family too <3

    Love the photos too :)

  3. You got a lot of great shots! My favorite is the black and white candid picture. And Corbyn's smile in the one where he's playing with Roger is so sweet!
