Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Summer Bucket List Report

There's no denying that summer is over, so it's about time I report on our summer bucket list!

Hike the Y: Nope. We've been saying we should hike the Y when it's lit for homecoming for years, so maybe we'll actually do it this year!

Movie in the Park: We got rained out, but it was rescheduled for September 26th. Hopefully we'll have better luck with the weather that night.

Go Camping: Check.

Paddle Boats: Check, part of our camping trip.

Visit a National Park: Check, Bryce Canyon National Park - one of my absolute favorites.

Watch Fireworks: Check, after the Rockies game the night before the 4th of July.

Do Sparklers: Check, on the 4th of July.

Throw Rocks in a Lake: Check, Navajo Lake.

Hike Grotto Falls: Check.

Go to the Brigham City Temple: Nope, but as this is also one of our goals for the year, we'll be going before the year is up!

Hike Timp: Check, during our week at Aspen Grove.

Kiss Under the Stars: Nope. This would have been easy to accomplish, but we didn't plan it, so it didn't happen.

Float the Provo River: Check.

Watch a Parade: Check, 24th of July.

Go to the Zoo: Check.

Make Homemade Ice Cream: Check. I used my dad's recipe (which I'm guessing is actually my Grandma Joan's recipe). Eating it brought back so many memories from my childhood! (Side note: We got these cups for our wedding. Until about a year ago, Rog did not know why we use them almost exclusively for ice cream. He didn't realize that they are made to look like an ice cream cone. Yeah, he's cute!)

Go to a Carnival: Check, 24th of July.

Swim in the Spanish Fork Pool: Check.

Take Family Pictures: Check. I cannot wait to get them back!!

Eat Snow Cones: Check. We had one to kick off summer, one on the 24th of July, one at the KLAS summer party, and one to wrap up summer. For me (a huge lover of snow cones), that was not enough!

Roast S'mores: Check, when we were in Colorado for the 4th of July.

Watch a Sunset and a Sunrise: Nope. This one should have/would have been easy enough to accomplish. But again, we didn't plan for it and it didn't happen.

Go to a Baseball Game: Check, Rockies game the night before the 4th of July.

It was a pretty spectacular summer!
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