Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Letter H

Last week was my week to host joy school. We learned about the letter H, the number 7, and the color black.

On Tuesday we did Hippos.

We did a hippo puzzle and a hippo pom-pom magnet picture (found here).

For our snack we ate hippo cookies made from Nutter Butters, Cheerios, and mini chocolate chips.

We made hippo paper plate masks.

Carver didn't want to hold his up for the picture.

We played Hungry Hungry Hippos. (I borrowed it from a neighbor, but it's on Corbyn's Christmas wish list because he loved it so much!)

And we hammered golf tees into styrofoam blocks.

On Thursday we had a Halloween party. (Very fortunate that we were doing H on Halloween.) Everyone wore their costumes - we had a cowboy, Ironman, Batman, and Fix-It Felix.

They liked the pom-pom magnets on Tuesday, so I found a witch picture from this Pre-K pack for them to do.

We also did some puzzles and other activities from this Pre-K pack.

I told the Colored Ghost story.

For our snack we had mummy dogs and jack-o-lantern peaches. Carver was the only one to eat his peaches (it was worth a try). I let them watch Ghoul Friend (a Mickey Short) while we were waiting for the mummy dogs to finish cooking - it was probably their favorite part of the whole party!

We did some cutting practice and colored pumpkins different colors (also from this Pre-K pack).

We collected spiders from a spider web.

And did a pumpkin walk to practice our numbers.

I had a lot of fun hosting and I think the boys had some fun too! (And hopefully they learned something while we were at it!)
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  1. So fun! We did h the week of Halloween too, but I wasn't the teacher that week


  2. Love the masks, they came out great! Looks like everyone had fun! Nice job!
