Monday, December 9, 2013

A Colorado Thanksgiving

We had a most enjoyable trip to Colorado that included:

*A delicious Thanksgiving feast.

I was in charge of rolls - a responsibility I took very seriously. I made the World's Best Dinner Rolls. (I also made cranberry punch and whipped cinnamon butter.)

All the big kids "enjoying" their Thanksgiving feast - except Jaxon who was taking a nap. Our darn kids hardly touched theirs and ended up eating corn dogs.

*Black Friday shopping. I hit up Kohl's Thursday night and then we did the outlets Friday morning.

*A visit to Rex's house to admire his new Xbox One and try out their tramp.

*An awesome impromptu road rally in Grandma and Grandpa's basement.

Corbyn on the big wheel.

Me on the scooter and Jaxon being pushed by Irving on the bike with training wheels.

Peyton on the Didi Car. (Yeah, I just had to look that up.)

(And not pictured, Aiden and Sam on the other Big Wheel.)

*A shower for Taylor and Martha's little girl coming in January.

I was in charge of a drink and a game - I did a hot chocolate bar and the game where you cut a string to try to guess how big her belly is.

Funny story about this penguin toy we got them. We bought it while Black Friday shopping at Carter's... Taylor and Martha were checking out at the same time and we could tell they were thinking about buying it, so Rog stepped in and told them we had one that broke really quickly - a total lie that accomplished its purpose. They didn't buy it and we all had a good laugh about it when she opened it!

*Hanging Christmas lights. My husband is a dork!

*Grandma Dixie's cookie party.

*Exchanging Christmas presents. We did our sibling (and spouse) gift exchange, the cousin gift exchange, and gave Mike and Dixie their big gifts we all chipped in on.

I also gave out all my homemade gifts. Rocky and Taylor and Martha's little girl got their monkey sets that I gave to everyone else back in 2011 - glad to have those done as they are a labor of love (in other words, quite time consuming).

*Dinner at Crave - cut short because Peyton was sick with McKae's stomach flu she had on Thanksgiving. (And Corbyn got it a few days later - no fun!)

*Rocky and Mason's baby blessings - so glad they could do it while we were all there!

*Playing with baby toys.

*Corbyn hanging out with his cousins and fitting right in.

Grandma Dixie and Grandpa Mike with all 8 of their grandkids - one of these is not like the others. (Peyton is excited for Taylor and Martha's little girl to join the party!)

It was a great trip! We had fun celebrating Thanksgiving (and Christmas), throwing a shower for Martha, blessing Rocky and Mason, and just spending time together as a great big Phillips family!
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  1. Looks like soooo much fun. What great in-laws you have, Shauna!

    (My kids never eat Thanksgiving dinner very well either...)


  2. "I'm........Batman!!!!!!"

    (Sheldon Cooper)

  3. Love these photos - amazing you got one of all the grandkids with everyones eyes opened and looking pleasant :)

    Great summary of your Thanksgiving vacation

    I'd love a roll right now!
