Monday, December 16, 2013

The Letter L

I taught joy school the week after Thanksgiving. We learned about the letter L, the number 11, and the color red.

On the first day I had the boys take turns drawing a L word out of a jar. We would do an activity (or a few activities) for that L word and then draw another word out.

Ladybug - we did a ladybug pom pom magnet picture and some ladybug puzzles (found here).

Then we had a ladybug snack (apple slices with raisins stuck on using peanut butter).

Lion - we went on a lion hunt.

We found lions with the numbers 0-11 on them and then put them in numerical order.

Lemons and Limes - we stamped using lemons and limes (cut in half) on a L. And then we drank pink lemonade.

Lamb - we glued cotton balls onto paper plates to make lambs.

Llama - we read the book Lana Llama's Little Lamb.

Lizard - we read the book Where's My Tail? and did a Lively Lizard tracing worksheet.

Legos - we built L's out of legos and ate candy legos.

The second day was more Christmas themed. We did a lot of Christmas light activities.

We did few different Christmas light pom pom magnet pictures (one found here, the other I can't find at the moment).

We ate rice krispy treats shaped like Christmas lights.

And while we ate, we watched a YouTube video of Christmas lights set to music.

We made Christmas lights with fingerprints.

I attempted to have them do some patterns with Christmas lights (found here), but they were so not into that...

We made a Christmas tree craft.

We played a Christmas number game (found here).

And finally did some color sorting with Christmas pictures.

It was a lot of fun! Although I'm really glad I got my week over with at the beginning of December. I can't even imagine having to host this week (or even last week) while also trying to do all the last-minute Christmas prep!
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  1. Oh so fun! I did letter L too, but mine was nowhere near as awesome as yours (but we did do the thumbprint lights.) I should have called for some more ideas!


  2. Oh Shauna, you are amazing, just absolutely amazing, i don't know how you do it all!

    Especially loved the Lambs and rice crispy Lights!


  3. WOOT! You do such a FANTASTIC job as a joy school teacher as you make learning so much fun :)


  4. GG says.....

    Computer problems prevent me from commenting on your last post, thus using tracy's Google accct.

    As always, you do everytihing so well, I wish I was one of your Joy School Kids! I would sure learn alot!

    You never cease to impress me!

    Love, GG
