Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2013 Resolutions

Here's a review of our 2013 Resolutions.


1. Read 7 books. I read 6.7 - so close! I read Matched, Crossed, The Great Gatsby, Reached, Love Life and See Good Days, Dinner: A Love Story, and Little Women

2. Run a race longer than a 5K. Done. I ran the Speedy Spaniard 10K on the 24th of July.

3. Conquer my fear of making pies. Done. I made a peach pie using this pie crust tutorial. I'm not a pro by any means, but at least I broke the ice.

4. Finish decorating our downstairs bathroom. Nope. This is the first project I'm going to tackle this year - after I get this blog caught up which should be pretty soon.


1. Read 4 books - 2 fiction and 2 nonfiction. Done. He read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Ender's Game (listened to that one), The Power of Habit, and To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson.

2. Be able to swim a mile without stopping. Nope. He got a pass to the Springville Pool and was swimming a lot the beginning of the year, but he really doesn't like swimming. So this goal kind of fizzled out.

3. Find the spouses of the names we did in 2012 and do the work for them. Done. Well, he only found one of the spouses, but he found a lot of other names, so we'll call that one good. 

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables instead of junk food for snacks. Done. I started buying more fruit and less chips, so that helped a lot.


1. Learn to ride a tricycle. Done. He's a tricycle riding pro!

2. Learn to go to the bathroom in the toilet. Done! This was much easier than I expected!

3. Learn to count to 10. Done. He can count to 20.

4. Learn his colors. Done. For a while he insisted on saying go for green and stop for red, but now he'll say green and red and he knows all the others too.


1. Learn to walk. Done. She got an early jump on this goal! 

2. Learn to sleep through the night (again). Done. Sometimes she'll wake up in the night and I have a bad habit of just sticking her in bed with us because she goes right back to sleep that way, but for the most part she sleeps through the night in her own bed.

3. Learn to say a few words. Done. She can say way more than a few!

4. Go to nursery without a fight. Done. She had a hard time the first two times we took her, but ever since then she's loved it. 

And our family resolutions:

1. Attend the temple at least once a month. Done.

2. Go on a date just the two of us once a month. Done. These are both habits now and quite easy to accomplish with my parents so close, but we will continue to make them a yearly goal as I would hate for us to fall out of the habit of either of them!

3. Start storing water. Um, no. I guess I forgot about this one! At the beginning of the year we were buying a gallon of water with our groceries and storing those in the garage, but I heard that might not be the best way. So I stopped doing that and didn't start another way. Oops! 

4. Visit the Brigham City temple. Done. We cut that one a little close, but we got it done!

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