Friday, October 9, 2015

School Fun

Corbyn is loving Kindergarten and learning so much! They use a reading curriculum at Rees that was developed by one of the teachers there. She just retired last year, but luckily they are still using her curriculum. UPSTART gave him a good base to start, but I really think it is her curriculum that is making the difference for him to learn to read. They are learning a song for each letter sound and it is so fun to hear him singing them at home. I am constantly getting them stuck in my head - they're pretty catchy! 

I signed up to help in Corbyn's class twice a month. It's fun to get a glimpse into what he does at school. I get a lot more details out of him when I can ask about specific things I know they are doing rather than just asking about school in general.

Peyton loves going to her preschool at Rees. I'm so grateful she was able to get in because she always wants to be doing everything Corbyn is doing. She would have liked any preschool, but it's even more fun for her that she gets to go to the same school as Corbyn! 

I was nervous about how Corbyn's school picture would turn out. We spent many days before practicing his smile and it actually turned out pretty cute.

I had to take Peyton in for her school picture since it was on a Friday and she doesn't have preschool on Fridays. For some reason she was absolutely terrified of getting her picture taken and it took about an hour to finally get her calmed down and the picture taken!

A few weeks ago it was Red/Green Ribbon Week. I loved dressing up for school spirit weeks when I was in school. It seems like boys aren't so into dressing up as they get older, so I better enjoy Corbyn wanting to dress up while it lasts! Even Peyton got to dress up for preschool on Tuesday and Thursday.

Monday was wear red day, Tuesday was crazy hair day, Wednesday was superhero day, Thursday was pajama day, and Friday was team jersey day. Since Corbyn's hair is so short, the only thing I could think to do was dye it with Kool-aid. I was just planning on doing Peyton's hair crazy, but she had to dye hers too. (Corbyn's only lasted a few days, but weeks later Peyton's is still pink on the ends - although it has faded a lot.) They also had a fun run Friday morning. I took Corbyn over for that since he has afternoon kindergarten. K-2 did one lap around the school and all the kids got medals for finishing. It was a lot of fun!

We are loving Rees Elementary!


  1. Awww, your kiddos are just too cute! Love, tracy

    Looking forward to Nov 28.......kind of.........


  2. Your kiddos are so grown up....I can't believe it! And so cute as well!
