Friday, September 23, 2016

Finished Room Friday: Dining Room

I was going to keep with the bathroom theme and post our master bathroom today, but I realized I still have a few things I'm tweaking in there, so here's our dining room instead.

The main level of our house is for the most part, one big room comprised of the kitchen, dining room, and living room. So if you want to get technical, the dining room isn't really its own room. But for the purpose of this blog, I'm treating it as such.

This table is the one we got back in February of 2015. It has been a great table and we have no plans to replace it. However the kids have been rough on it and it has more dings than I care to look at, so during the day it is covered up with a table cloth. We eat breakfast and lunch at the counter. When it comes time for dinner, we take off the table cloth, eat dinner, clean up from dinner, and then put the table cloth back on. This is also helpful because you can see the dining room from the front door, so if we aren't using it all day, it stays clean and our house doesn't look like a huge disaster when someone comes to the door unannounced. 

Most of the dinnerware from when we got married has been broken through the years, so I took the opportunity of moving into a new house to get a new set. 

Serving bowl, serving platter. I got the dip bowls for my birthday. (Sadly it looks like they are not available anymore.)

We hardly ever use these dishes, but it's nice to have a matching set for when we have people over for dinner. I love how the table looks all set like this. 

Side note: I'm not in love with the light fixture in here, but it doesn't bother me enough to have it be a priority to replace it. Maybe if we live here 10 years we'll get around to it.

Even though Logan was pretty content sitting in his high chair, I thought it was time for him to join us at the table for dinner. The turtle booster seat we used for Corbyn and Peyton was pretty gross from being stored in the garage in our townhouse, so I bought this booster seat. It has been perfect for what we needed. Logan can sit with us at the table for dinner.

But it also has a tray, so he can sit away from the table when the rest of the family is eating breakfast and lunch at the counter. And a huge bonus, it's a more neutral color, so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.  

And that's our dining room!

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving this weekly tour of your house! Our dishes are in sad shape, and the other day I realized it's no wonder they're falling apart, they're almost 10 years old! Maybe one day I'll get around to replacing them.
