Sunday, February 26, 2017

Corbyn's Birthday: Family Party

We wanted to have Corbyn's family party before we moved and we decided it would be best to have it after we got the moving truck all loaded. I made the invitation sitting in the airport in Hawaii waiting for our flight home.

It was supposed to be a family party, but only my parents, McKae, and Rocky could come, so we ended up inviting the Woods and the Forsbergs at the last minute. (Friends that feel like family!) They saved the party because it would have been pretty pathetic with such a small group!

We had it at the Spanish Fork Splash Pad and did a beach theme because our house was going to be almost completely empty. There are so many fun beach party ideas on Pinterest, but I had to keep it pretty simple. As I was packing I made sure to keep out what I would need for the party and then I put it in a box and added it to the moving truck after the party.

I made the cupcakes the day before with a cake mix and my go-to buttercream frosting (except with all butter instead of half shortening and half butter). I sprung for the Duncan Hines cake mix since I wasn't going to be adding anything extra to it. And you want to know something crazy? They ended up being the best cupcakes I'd made in a long time! I decorated them with cinnamon Teddy Grahams, peach rings, gummy Lifesavers, crushed graham crackers, sour rainbow belts, and umbrella picks. (As I was decorating them I discovered that cinnamon Teddy Grahams dipped in frosting make a very tasty treat. Now I always keep a box on hand to use up leftover frosting with!)

The cupcakes were the only thing I made unless you count mixing a package of Kool-Aid with Sprite. Then I guess I made that too! The rest was just stuff I bought. Otter Pops... 

Gummy sharks, fruit slices...

Grapes, watermelon, and Goldfish Grahams (the s'mores and vanilla cupcakes flavors). I put some of the food in beach pails and used sand shovels to serve it.

We didn't get to the park early enough to get a table in the shade and it was a super hot day. The Otter Pops were melting fast, so we started handing them out as the guests arrived. 

I had all the food set up on a table in the sun, but ended up moving it onto the ground in the shade because my beautiful cupcakes were melting!

The kids (and Rog) had fun playing in the water.

After Rhys moved Austin became Corbyn's new best friend for a couple weeks, so it was fun to have him at the party.

When the kids were taking a break from playing in the water, we sang to Corbyn and he opened his presents.

When we were eating Logan stepped on a metal grate with his bare feet and burned his soles. He would not let us put him down and he cried anytime we tried to put shoes on him or have him walk for the rest of the day. It was so sad, but at least it healed quickly. He was pretty much back to his normal self the next day.

Other than that mishap, it was a fun little party to celebrate Corbyn's 6th birthday!

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