Friday, March 9, 2018

Halloween 2017

A couple Sundays before Halloween (on the 22nd) we decorated sugar cookies. With being in Utah and then Super Saturday, this was really the first Halloween thing we did and the month was already more than half over. 

I got to go with Peyton on her field trip to a pumpkin patch.

She hadn't talked about this girl, Natalie, at home, but apparently they are good friends.

They got to pick out a small pumpkin to take home.

A few days later we went as a family to the Olson Farms Pumpkin Patch. It was a Tuesday and it was uncrowded and perfect.

The pumpkin patch we went to our first October in Oregon was not our favorite, so we were happy to find this one that was more our style. 

The next night we carved our pumpkins. I think Peyton was unhappy to be cleaning out the insides.

Someday I'll have to give up control, but this year we kept with our tradition of the kids picking out their designs and mom carving them.

Mickey Mouse for Logan, a castle for Peyton, and Jack Skellington for Corbyn.

The Friday before Halloween we had our ward Halloween party. Logan was my lovely assistant helping me make a treat for the party.

I did a brownie pumpkin patch.

We invited our neighbors, the Martyns, to the party and were delighted they came. They had a bunch of different carnival games for the kids to do. Logan was obsessed with this cake walk. He did it over and over again. After awhile we just left him there and came back to check on him every few minutes.

After the carnival games, they had a trunk-or-treat in the parking lot. I wanted to do something to decorate our trunk, but ran out of time to do what I had been thinking (a Mario theme). This mummy was super quick and I was happy with how it turned out.

The next night our pumpkins got smashed (for the second year in a row). Next year we're going to have to remember to bring them in on the weekends, so the high school kids don't get to them.

On Sunday we had our ghoulish feast.

The Yates brought a jack-o-lantern made of fruit...

And these deviled egg spiders.

I did a haunted salad...

Eyeball subs...

And witches brew.

We played the donut-on-a-string game which is a Halloween party staple, but as I'm thinking about it, I'm not exactly sure why. Of course it was super fun, so I guess it doesn't matter why!

Kevan and Krislyn Willes also joined us for the feast.

For FHE we made these witch hat cookies. I had hoped to send them to school with Corbyn for his class Halloween party, but even though they are made of all store-bought supplies, the room mother said I couldn't. Rog took them to work and they got eaten there instead.

I don't have a picture, but we had Mel's Dinner in a Pumpkin that night.

I made these jack-o-lantern peach cups for our playgroup Halloween party on Halloween. (Super easy to cut the vinyl on my Silhouette and use transfer tape to put them on.)

I let Logan wear his Buzz costume from last year to the party.

We had our traditional mummy hot dogs and apples with Caramel Toffee Fruit Dip for dinner and then headed out to go trick-or-treating.

I love a group Halloween costume and the kids were agreeable to it this year. I bought the boys' costumes on Amazon for cheap and had them ready way before Halloween. Corbyn was Mario.

Peyton was Princess Peach. She wore the same dress as she did when she was Glenda in 2015 and she wore her hat from Corbyn's Mario birthday party, so all I had to do for her was order gloves.

Logan was Luigi and was happy to be matching with Corbyn. He was impossible to photograph, but oh so cute (and obsessed with suckers that night). He wore his mustache almost all night (long after Corbyn pulled his off).

Rog was Bowser (wearing his costume from Corbyn's party) and I was a yellow mushroom. I ordered myself a child hat and it was perfect.

We had a fun group for trick-or-treating - the Yates, the Martyns, and the Sullivans. A whole lot of boys! Thank goodness Peyton has Kinley!

I was leaving for my big cruise early the next morning, but stayed up after we got the kids to bed to take down the Halloween decorations and put up the Thanksgiving ones. I didn't want to come home to Halloween 2 weeks into November! These decorations were new this year. A sign from The Wood Connection that I picked up while we were in Utah.

And 5 Halloween blocks (also purchased at the Wood Connection).

We may have gotten a late start celebrating, but we packed in all the essentials!

1 comment:

  1. How fun 🕷 I’d say you definitely made up for the late start 🤗 did Logan win a lot of cupcakes at the cake walk? You make such beautiful food!
