Friday, January 11, 2013

2012 Resolutions

Here's a review of our 2012 resolutions.


1. Read 6 books again. Done. I read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The Hunger Games, The Glass Castle, 11/22/63, Unbroken, and A Christ-Centered Christmas. I read A Christ-Centered Christmas for part of my scripture study in December. It was an excellent book that really helped me keep Christ at the center of my Christmas. I want to read it every Christmas and incorporate some of the traditions she talks about into our family Christmas traditions.

2. Get Peyton's room ready before she arrives. Done.

3. Run the Cougar Run in less than 25 minutes. Done. I even got a medal!

4. Finish all 4 of our stockings before December. Done. I didn't finish before December, but I did finish before Christmas. I'm counting it!


1. Ride his mountain bike more. Nope. Bryan Martinez you need to move back to Utah, so he has someone to ride with!

2. Get at least a 600 on the GMAT. Done. 3rd time was the charm!

3. Run the Top of Utah Marathon. Nope. He was having (and continues to have) feet problems, so running hasn't been a possibility for him.

4. Find names for us to take all the way through the temple. Done. I really didn't know if he would be able to make this happen, but with a lot of help from Grandpa Phillips, he did it. We need to find their spouses and some more information about their parents, so we can take care of the sealings. But the rest of the work is done.


1. Learn to really talk. Done. It's crazy how much he talks now! And it's amazing how much of a difference it has made.

2. Learn the noises the animals make. Done.

3. Be a good big brother. Done. He had a hard time at first, but he's adjusted now. I'm sure he doesn't even remember what it was like before Peyton now.

4. Love nursery. Done. Most of the time he gets really excited to go. After Sacrament meeting he leads us down the hall to his nursery room. It helps that he has amazing nursery leaders (Lance and Leanna Howard).


1. Be healthy. Done. No problems to speak of other than taking her sweet time to get down in the right position.

2. Weigh less than 10 pounds. Done. She was a perfect 8 pounds, 5 ounces. Bless you, Peyton!

3. Be good at breastfeeding. Done. You don't get to be the healthy chunk she is by being a bad eater!

4. Learn to roll over and sit up. Done. And more - she's a mover like her brother.

And our family resolutions:

1. Go on a date just the two of us once a month. Done. It's been so good to spend time together without kids.

2. Go to the temple at least once a month. Done. Some months we had to divide and conquer and my visit for December was as last minute as it could get, but we got it done.

3. Adjust to having 2 kiddos. Done. I'd say we are adjusted, but we definitely are not ready to add a third to the mix any time soon!

4. Update our 72 hour kits and buy a fire extinguisher. Done. Although I didn't update them at general conference time like I was supposed to... We've been talking about just spending the money and buying some that last, so we don't have to worry about it.

Other than Rog (And it really wasn't Rog's fault he didn't accomplish all of his.), we were pretty much 100% this year! Woot!
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  1. Way to go! I don't think you really want Bryan there to ask Rog to go biking all the time, it's a hobby quickly turns into an obsession :)

  2. WOW - 2012 was quit the year for your growing family!

    Corby can't remember life before Peyton and I can't imagine life without Peyton :)
