Friday, March 13, 2009

Adult Sippy Cup

Back in September I was banned from having water on my nightstand (click here for the full story). Well I am happy to announce that "the ban" is over thanks to my new adult sippy cup aka Camelbak's Better Bottle!

The best part of the whole thing... I didn't pay a penny! How did I do that? The answer: msn's frequent shopper program. Basically you just had to play some games and earn points (up to 100 a day) and then redeem those points for cool stuff like this water bottle. Unfortunately the program was canceled a few weeks after we found it (I wonder why?!). But while it lasted it gave me and my fellow staff accountants a much needed short break and we got cool stuff for free!

That being said, I would recommend this water bottle to anyone even if it wasn't free. You can find out more about it here (click on sports - recreation, then bottles, then better bottle).


Mom Lori said...

Having water on your nightstand falls into the "essential" category in my opinion. Glad you found a solution!

tracy said...

Hi mom Lori! Hey, you didn't use the "F" work this time! :)

(Doh, not t h a t one...she doesnt even know that one, she's so sweet!)