Logan turned 1 month old on April 18th. That first month goes by so quickly!
Logan at 1 month:
*Is usually a pretty content baby unless he is hungry or tired - when he is, he will definitely let you know!
*Loves to hang out on his boppy pillow.
*Likes taking baths. He usually gets really relaxed and calm after we give him one.
*Is starting to coo.
*Is starting to grab things (like my shirt or hair) when I'm holding him.
*Tries to get anything close to his mouth into his mouth. This is by far the cutest thing he does.
*Would definitely be a binky baby if we let him, but sadly for him, we don't believe in binkies!
*Spits up quite a lot.
*Depending on his mood, will either fall asleep or scream until you turn him over when we give him tummy time.
*Loves his whale blanket.
*Puts up with a lot of rough love from his sister.
Keeping with tradition, I made cupcakes to celebrate. (I'll take any excuse to make cupcakes!)
That night we moved him to his nursery. Corbyn slept worse when we moved him, but Peyton slept better when we moved her, so I didn't know what to expect that first night. He slept about the same as he had been which is definitely better than worse!
The next day we took him to church for the first time. I was really nervous about getting everyone up and ready in time for 9:00 church by myself, but it actually isn't too bad as long as I have everything laid out and ready the night before.
He wore his Easter outfit and tried to eat his shirt pretty much the whole morning!
We just love this little guy!