For the most part, I'm not a fan of change. But it is an inevitable part of life and I've come to accept that. We've known these changes were coming for awhile now, but that doesn't make them any easier.
Change #1: Last Friday Diana and Jason moved out of Provo. They finished up classes and didn't have any reason to stick around, so they are living in SLC with my grandparents until the end of August when they will move to Texas for medical school. We have loved having them so close (7 doors down) and are sad to see them go! Obviously we'll still get to see them at holidays and other family occasions, but who knows if we'll ever even live in the same city again!

Change #2: On Sunday Rog was released as the EQP (Elder's Quorum President) and called as the Executive Secretary in our ward. After he was released as EQP, but before he was called as Executive Secretary in Sacrament meeting, the other EQP (our ward has 2 Elder's Quorums) asked me what I was going to do with Rog now that he would be home on Sunday mornings. I laughed and said that I wouldn't have to worry about that.
While the Executive Secretary has much less responsibility, he still has to go to all of the same meetings as before (except for the once a month 7:00 am EQP meeting with the stake). And now he also gets to go to Bishopric meeting Tuesday nights! I figure I might as well get used to it now because it's looking like this is what the rest of our lives will be like. I guess that's what I get for marrying an AP. I should have known better! But seriously, I'm grateful he's worthy and willing to serve.
I miss having all four of you in the same city as we are!
Congrats Rog! You're such an "executive" now
I want to live 7 doors down from you!!
I am surprised Roger is still in such a high calling!! Not that I don't think he can, but I hoped they would have given him a break!!
On the bright side, at least he's not in a singles ward Bishopric, right?
I just want to be the ward greeter.
Hee. i love you, Roger..."Ward Greeter", indeed.
You can always be a "Wally World" (Walmart) Greeter, if it means that much to you!
Don't let me forget, if we ever make it to the other Zion, to invite you to come play "Walmart Bingo".
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