After our Tri, we had planned to go to Seven Peaks with Amber and Dane. But because the weather was CRAPPY, we decided to go to the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point. I've shared my opinion on Dinosaurs before and it hasn't changed. They lived on another planet and then our Earth was made out of the matter from that planet. Seriously that's the only way I can reconcile them in my brain and lots of intelligent people share my view, so I'm not that weird! Roger has been wanting to go to the museum forever and it seemed like a good activity for a rainy Saturday afternoon. We really had a good time! In addition to the many dino bones, they have lots of hands-on exhibits that make it much more entertaining than a regular boring museum.

We designed a dino with two heads and Amber and I spent forever playing at the Erosion Table. They also have a Fossil Dig area, but we were ready to go by the time we got to that.

We decided we had to take a picture by this HUGE shark because of our cool tri shirts. If you look closely you will see why this is our favorite race shirt yet. They totally spelled Triathlon wrong. (There is no a between the h and the l.) Love it!
Despite the rain, it was a fun day. But seriously, what is up with this weather? It's June people!! I am enjoying the fact that our apartment isn't hotter than hades yet, but the rain keeps ruining my weekend plans! If it rains this coming Saturday, I will be beyond mad because we are supposed to go on our hot air balloon ride that got canceled back in April due to rain. It can rain all it wants while I'm at work, but please let the sun come out for the precious few hours I have on the weekend!
I went to the Dino Museum I think soph. year of high school for biology. The erosion talbe is the coolest thing ever huh? Hours of entertainment, no matter the age. Even if you don't believe in Dino's I'm glad you still went!
Hee, did you play in the kids dig area too...way kool! They have really added on, must see!
Gotta l o v e the shark! They didn't have that before. i want them to get the "real thing" aquariums!
Rain? You weren't born when we had "Snow in June" your mama!
The shark ate the "a".
I can't believe they didn't "spell check" the shirt!
Love the photos and cute tummy Amber!
Awesome "Happy 4th" blog background too.
Watch out, some people, (i'll show you the "tounge in cheek" article) , think Republicans don't believe in science either....sorry "Jeb" clan and daddy......
Only my sis, (who has a giant heart, by the way!) would notice Amber's tummy....but it's not "":)
Me too! Loves the July look!
supposed to say "...not science" overs!
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